Arquivo Jurídico
Revista Jurídica Eletrônica da UFPI
ISSN 2317-918X
Social justice: analisys of the concept of economic justice according to C. B. Macpherson
Celio Roberto Correa

Mestrando em Direito no Centro Universitário Internacional (UNINTER). Advogado.
This article refers to studies and research on the economic justice model proposed by C. B. Macpherson, aimed at promoting social justice. Currently, much is discussed about the interdisciplinarity of law and how economics can positively contribute to the Study of Social Justice. Considering that economic justice is based on market and economic capital matters, as well as on equal accesses, it is necessary to understand it to further reflect on the possibility of using such a justice model as a means of promoting social justice, that is, of something that aims at collective well-being. The article is organized as follows: the first section presents theoretical aspects about the concept of justice and economic justice; section two seeks to comprehend whether economic justice is capable of preserving human dignity; section three describes the proposal for the return of economic justice according to C. B. Macpherson. It ends by presenting the final considerations, suggestions for future work and the references used.
Concept of Justice. Equal accesses. Economy.
Resumo do artigo em video
Jéssica Jane de Souza
Mestranda em Direito no Centro Universitário Internacional (UNINTER). Advogada.